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Wing - Smart Off Channel Scanning (OCS)

Wing - Smart Off Channel Scanning (OCS)

New Contributor II
After reading some Extreme documentation I'm struggling to understand the role of OCS in the Smart-RF policy.
Is it used for the monitoring phase so it can decide what's the best channel and power settings for each device? What's the impact of running it, what should be avoided, etc.....

Without understanding this is difficult to create a policy that caters for our different environments. The suggested configuration in the Smart-RF and the Best Practices documents also don't seem consistent

Thanks in advance


New Contributor II
OCS always reduce the available airtime. For high density environments I recommend to disable SmartRF and use static design. For smaller installation you can use SmartRF (depending on your WiFi design!).

If you google for "WING SmartRF how to" you can finde a old ZEBRA documentation about SmartRF.

I mostly disable OCS if more than 10 users are connected:

smart-ocs-monitoring client-aware 5GHz ? <1-255>
Minimum number of clients when present, scanning

Thanks I will have a look

New Contributor II
Thanks but that's the document I'm referring to in my post

Extreme Employee

There is a write up of OCS in the BEST Practices guide.

Go to the following lik to download

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