Article ID: 7130
SecureStack C2
Firmware 3.02.32 and lower
SecureStack B2
Firmware 2.01.10 and lower
SecureStack A2
Firmware 1.01.20 and lower
Power redundancy
No SNMP trap is generated upon power status change
With older firmware, the stack manager unit will not generate an SNMP trap to notify the administrator when the stack loses or gains back its redundant power supply (
For the C2, upgrade to firmware 3.03.23 or higher.
For the B2, upgrade to firmware 3.00.14 or higher.
For the A2, upgrade to firmware 1.01.46 or higher.
As of C2 f/w 3.01.71:When C2RPS-POE is connected to a SecureStack device and power is
discontinued or provided on the SecureStack C2, itself, or the backup
power supply (C2RPS-POE), an enterprise mib trap will be generated
detailing this event.
As of C2 f/w 3.03.23, B2 f/w 3.00.14, and A2 f/w 1.01.46:When a SecureStack device suffers from a power system failure, the
system will now send trap from the etsysPsePowerNotification MIB, which
can be correctly decoded by NetSight Console.
As of A2 firmware SecureStack A2 now supports notification of redundant power supply
(RPS) status via traps and Syslog messages.
Pre-upgrade workaround:
Implement syslog messaging. As a redundant power supply status changes, the event will be duly logged for management review.
Follow-up note:
As of C2 f/w and B2 f/w support for the following OIDs to the CTRON-CHASSIS-MIB ctChas
* ctChasFNB.0 denotes the presence or absence of the FNB.
* ctChasAlarmEna.0 allows an audible alarm to be either enabled or
disabled. Setting this object to disable(1) will prevent an audible
alarm from being heard and will also stop the sound from a current
audible alarm. Setting this object to enable(2) will allow an audible
alarm to be heard and will also enable the sound from a current audible
alarm, if it has previously been disabled.
* chassisAlarmState.0 denotes the current condition of the power supply
fault detection circuit. The object value will read
chassisNoFaultCondition(1) when the chassis is operating with no power
faults detected and will read chassisFaultCondition(2) when the chassis
is in a power fault condition.