Article ID: 12786
SecureStack C3, C2, B3, B2
Attempted to enforce Policy, most likely using NetSight Policy Manager.
One or more "Nim intf in invalid state" warning messages are seen in syslog, the current.log, or the output of a 'show support' (
For example:<160>Sep 24 08:38:27 UPN[125318880]: policy_dist.cpp(5524) 81 %%
Nim intf in invalid state: 115
The message indicates that the stack is attempting to apply policy to a port that is no longer present in the stack, a condition which is the side-effect of a larger issue.
The MIB2 Interface numbering convention used in the message may be translated as described in
12864, thereby computing the affected unit and port number.
For instance, the interface number "115" in this example translates to the 11th port of unit 3 (e.g. fe.3.11, ge.3.11).
To derive meaning from each instance of the message it is necessary to do sufficient troubleshooting to establish why the named physical or LAG port is no longer present. Did the associated switch unit leave the stack ("EDB Callback: Unit Leave: <
unit#>")? Are units/ports numbered differently than what is known to Policy Manager? The resolution depends upon the specifics of these findings.
Contact the GTAC for further assistance, as necessary.