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Setup traps on the N-Series

Setup traps on the N-Series

Extreme Employee
Article ID: 5116



The following example will describe how to setup SNMPv1 traps on the N-series products.
  1. The first thing that needs to be defined is a community name that will be used when sending the traps. You can use the default community name of 'public' if you wish, but this example will create another one. To set a community name use the following command:
    set snmp community
    set snmp community traptest
    The community name needs to be associated to a group. This example will use the default group of groupRW. Another group could be specified. The command for this is:
    set snmp group user security-model v1
    set snmp group groupRW user traptest security-model v1
    The group created above needs to be given access for read, write and notify (trap). The command for this is:
    set snmp access security-model v1 read write notify
    set snmp access groupRW security-model v1 read All write All notify All
    The View 'All' is predefined. This allows access to the entire MIB tree structure. A set of parameters needs to be setup for sending SNMP messages (traps). The command for this is:
    set snmp targetparams user traptest security-model v1 message-processing v1
    set snmp targetparams v1traps user traptest security-model v1 message-processing v1
    A target needs to be defined to send traps to. The command for this is:
    set snmp targetaddr param taglist
    set snmp targetaddr mystation param v1traps taglist snmpv1trap
    The last step is to tell the device to actually send the traps. The command for this is:
    set snmp notify tag
    set snmp notify trap1 tag snmpv1trap
The following is the above example in a working configuration:
    set snmp access groupRW security-model v1 read All write All notify All
    set snmp access groupRW security-model v2c read All write All notify All
    set snmp community public
    set snmp community traptest
    set snmp group groupRW user public security-model v1
    set snmp group groupRW user traptest security-model v1
    set snmp group groupRW user public security-model v2c
    set snmp notify trap1 tag snmpv1trap
    set snmp targetaddr mystation param v1traps taglist snmpv1trap
    set snmp targetparams v1traps user traptest security-model v1 message-processing v1
    set snmp view viewname All subtree 1
    set snmp view viewname All subtree 0.0
See also: 5245, 5390, and 7158.