I have two stacks, and i would like to build a MLAG pair
Each stack is composed of a Summit X670V (slot 1) and a X670 (slot 2)
To make the ISC link, i want to use a sharing of two links, and i was wondering if there is any recommandation about what ports to use for this link ?
Can i use 2 ports on the X670V switchs for the first link, and 2 ports on the X670 switchs for the second link ?
This would look like that :

If this is not possible and i have to connect the two links on the same switchs (for example Slot 1 <=> Slot 1), i could have the situation where one of these switchs fails (let's say for example Slot 1 on the left has a power outage), so the MLAG is broken (split brain) but i still have dual-attached devices (servers, routers) that are dual-attached to the two "Slot 2" switchs and then continue to think the MLAG is up
Thanks in advance for tour advice