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since ‎09-07-2021

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Hi All, I recently had a bad experience upgrading A3 from v3.1.1 to v3.5 and had to revert to a snapshot created prior. Basically after the upgrade, the CPUs were being pinned by the httpd Service and no clients (802.1x nor Guest via A3 CWP) could co...
Hi. I have a scenario whereby A3 is providing the CWP for public WiFi. Some device that need to connect to this need to stay connected to it. Therefore I need a way for these device to bypass the CWP.  So far I have tried:1. Import the device MAC, th...
Hi, can anyone point me in the direction of official training for this product (preferably instructor-led)? ThanksBarry
Hi,I currently have implemented a solution whereby public users connect to a SSID which presents a CWP from A3. This CWP requires registration via SMS/Email. This works really well however I now need to make considerations for other devices that are ...
I am currently putting together a PoC for a customer. I am trying to achieve the following: device connects to open SSID > UAP displayed > UAP accepted > Self Reg page dispalyed > user enters info > device accesses internet.Unfortunately upon connect...