Hi Jose,
I think what you are looking for can be found in the following article: https://gtacknowledge.extremenetworks.com/articles/Q_A/What-is-the-WING-URL-Based-Filtering-or-Web-F....
'If no license is installed, the Web filtering feature can ...
For all the latest product information available please refer to our website https://www.extremenetworks.com/products/. Alternatively i would recommend contacting your local Extreme sales representative.
Best regards,
The WS-AP3825I and WS-AP3825I-E are listed on the End of Sale and End of Support page of our website with an end of sale date for the 30-Jun-18 and end of support 30-Jun-23.
Hope this helps.
- Sam
Hi Cornel,
From the home screen on the GUI you are able to view AP's that are in low power mode in the health table.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Hi Paul,
The AP image files are found in main controller image. Use the 7-Zip application to open the following folders: normal.tgz>normal.tar>.>var>controller>images>ap
Hope this helps.
- Sam