04-23-2019 07:34 PM
Monitor page shows Ble0 Interface "Down". All other APs, The Ble0 Interface field has a "-".
Compared settings in the policy to working AP; all the same.
HiveOS 8.2r5.221111,
App. Sig. File ver5.3.4
04-24-2019 10:20 AM
Would you be able to run the following debugs on the APs CLI, try to connect with a client device (note the client devices MAC address), then pull tech data from the AP?
The debugs we want to run are:
_debug auth basic
_debug auth verbose
Then try to connect to the AP 230 a few times. Please let me know the MAC address of the text client you use so I can focus on the correct client in the data.
Then we'll want to pull tech data. This guide reviews how to get tech data via the CLI of the AP since Connect doesn't let you download it in the GUI- https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/Collecting-Tech-Data-via-CLI
If you could email this to me at communityhelp@aerohive.com, I can let you know what we're seeing and we can go from there.