The manual firmware reload couldn't hurt, and since the AP was working well before the update started I'd hesitate to say that AP is dead. We might also be able to get some insight if we could get CAPWAP debugs. Those will give us more detailed logs on the AP connection process and the update process. The process for enabling CAPWAP debugs is as follows:
1. Considering how long it took to run commands on the AP after it had a configuration, I'd recommend resetting the AP so you can run the CLI commands in the next step quickly.
Enable CAPWAP debugs following the steps in this guide. 3. Push a complete configuration update out to the AP
4. Wait for the update to complete or fail, either way will work for our test
Pull tech data from the AP and send that tech data to for review.
Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can clarify anything.