‎10-12-2018 10:05 AM
Solved! Go to Solution.
‎10-12-2018 02:42 PM
Even if we did want to override it, and even with short guard interval enabled and SLA helping out and 80MHz channel bonding assuming we could get away with it, the APs can only pass so much client traffic at a time, which is more what I was talking about with the 100-150 count.
That being said, my info was a bit outdated, sorry about that, our newer models can handle more clients at a time, given that they have more radios. For example, an AP650 has 4 radios, versus the AP250 which has 3 radios, versus an AP122 that has 2 radios. We're still expecting a max of 100 per radio, and again that's with virtually no client traffic going through, only whats necessary to connect the client device and maintain connection.
However, seeing your comment about this being an outdoor deployment, that limits us to the AP1130, since that is the only AP with the weather proof case. The AP1130 has 2 radios, so with 32 I believe that's going to come out 32*200=6,400 users max in a best case scenario.
I'm sorry I don't have better news. Even with our most powerful indoor model, we won't come close to your expected client count with that number of APs.
‎10-12-2018 02:35 PM
I know that channel separation will be a bloodbath, but unfortunately 25000 clients associated and authenticated is a customer requirement. Expected clients in the main events are about 100000 and the customer has required about 20/25 % of concurrently connected clients ...
‎10-12-2018 02:06 PM
I thought that you could override that 100 client limit now via some possibly semi hidden command or some other fashion.
25000 clients @ 200 per AP ~= 125 APs at a bare minimum. Good luck with channel separation in this environment with the stock omni antennas (assuming thats what you'd use).
Are you actually expecting 25000 devices associated and authenticated?
Not pitching another vendor option here on the Aerohive community forums, but other vendors have higher client caps per radio (which are beneficial in some cases such as this)...
‎10-12-2018 12:56 PM
Ciao Sam, we are implementing an infrastructure for an outdoor coverage on a free space for a concert arena. The aim is to maximize capacity for about 25000 clients, making the most with 32 poles for AP installation, using both radios for client traffic, every client will be limited to 1 Mbps and as regards RF interference it will be minimal.
We are thinking to mount 3/4 APs for poles, could it make sense?
‎10-12-2018 12:36 PM
In a lab environment, each radio can hold 100 clients, so the AP1130 could hold 200 theoretically, 100 on each radio. However, we likely won't see this in a non-lab environment. A more realistic expectation is between 100-150, depending on a few things such as whether you're using both radios for client traffic, how much RF interference is in the environment, how much traffic each client is passing, how much we have to share the airspace with other signals, etc.