‎05-07-2019 08:53 AM
Hi Guys, I've recently implemented a WiFi solution for our clients but I'm slightly concerned about some client devices whose overall health is marked as "poor", application health is "0" even though radio health of the same device is marked as 100. Is there something to be concerned about or that I need to look at? So far, users have reported that things are much better and they are not experiencing any connectivity drops but I just need to be sure I'm reading these information correctly please.
‎08-20-2019 02:28 PM
Are you able to provide any more info on the "show tech | in lpr" command.
I've checked around on several APs at several of my locations and I'm seeing one or more errors over the past several months on all of them. Is there any documentation for what the results should look like.
‎05-07-2019 03:54 PM
Hello Ademola,
With users reporting things being better, that data seems to be related to RF in general,
I would recommend using this guide to fine tune the RF Environment: https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/Radio-Frequency-Interference-NG
Additionally, having all the APs on the latest HiveOS is always recommended, here is the Device Model + HiveOS Matrix: https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/feed/0D50c00005jmpq9CAA
Additionally, if there is an issue in transport of log files from AP to Hivemanager, it might show false data in the GUI. To check if the files are failing, running this command from SSH with AP will show:
show tech | in lpr
Hope this helps, let me know if there are any questions.
David Souri
Hive Community