‎07-09-2019 01:13 PM
‎07-11-2019 03:56 PM
Ok I already did the right thing and unfortunatly it didn't work. I'll have to wait to open a case.
thank you
‎07-11-2019 03:50 PM
All APs using the user group that was altered would need to have a configuration update pushed out to them in order for this change to take effect. If the two disconnected APs are still broadcasting, then there would be an issue with the out of date configuration and clients may not be able to connect to those APs.
‎07-11-2019 03:48 PM
Do I have to upload the configuration on every AP in order to see the user group modification in Hivemanager ?
for information I have a couple of AP that are disconnected, is that could be a problem to modify the user group setings ?
also it's a cloud solution
thanks for helping nme
‎07-10-2019 01:55 PM
I sent an email to my partner. Thank you