‎11-19-2019 09:51 PM
The network will have internet from Virgin Hitron CGNV4 router in modem only mode.
I am registered to ExtremeCloudIQ device manager, but do not know how to connect my router with a switch.
‎11-27-2019 06:12 PM
That is correct, you would need an FSP connected for the switch end.
‎11-20-2019 07:32 PM
Just to clarify - the only uplink port I was able to locate are 4 x FSP ports on my switch.
‎11-20-2019 07:30 PM
Thank you Sam,
now at least it is clear that I need to FSP uplink port on my switch to connect it to ethernet port on the modem - so does it mean that the cable I will use has to be RJ45 on one end and FSP connector on the other end?
‎11-20-2019 07:18 PM
You don't really need a switch unless you want to separate different traffic on to different VLANs, but that's usually for schools or businesses rather than home use. If you just need a basic password protected connection to the internet, you won't need the switch.
To configure the APs, you'll need to add them to your device inventory first. They should connect automatically after a few minutes once they are in the inventory, and connected to power and internet.
Once they are connected to the ExtremeCloud IQ (a.k.a. HiveManager), you'll want to build your network and SSID and then push that configuration out to the APs to get the network up and running. You can also configure all the device specific settings for the APs once they are connected to the ExtremeCloud IQ.
If you do want to use the switch, you'd want to connect the router to one of the uplink ports (shown here: https://www.aerohive.com/wp-content/uploads/Aerohive_Datasheet_SR2200-SR2300_Switches_Family.pdf). The devices will send probes and figure out that one is a switch and one is a router, and they will start communicating appropriately, you don't have to configure anything for that. You'll want to connect your APs to one of the Ethernet PoE ports.
‎11-20-2019 06:58 PM
Hi Sam, thank you for your help and useful links. With these Aerohive devices I need to build a small network for a small guesthouse - meaning there will be a password access for about 5-max 20 users at a time. After reading all handy stuff I still have a few core questions though:
1 - having Virgin Hitron modem as fibreoptic broadband source - do I need a switch or it will be enough just to plug 2-3 ACs into modem.
1.1 - if no switch is required - how do I access/log into AP550 and AP250 settings menu and/or how I can set them up at all?
2 - if switch would be beneficial for broadband speed/stability - where does sr2324p switch has the inlet port for broadband, in other words if I plug one end of cat7 RJ45 to Virgin media modem where do I plug the other end on the switch - do I use just any of 24 ethernet ports? ... but then how will the switch know which ethernet cable is for broadband inlet (from modem) and which cable is for AP to distribute the internet signal to users???
Many thanks in advance!