04-01-2019 02:26 PM
I need some help on accessing the HiveManager NG API.
First I generated an access token for "client-id: myClient".... which is XXX_YYYmyClient
How can I talk to the API now?
I tried:
curl -v -X GET --noproxy myhivemanger.my.domain -k -H 'X-AH-API-CLIENT-SECRET: XXX__YYYmyClient' -H 'X-AH-API-CLIENT-ID: myClient' -H 'X-AH-API-CLIENT-REDIRECT-URI: https://myhivemanager.my.domain' https://myhivemanager.my.domain/xapi/v1/monitor/devices
but it's returning:
{"data":null,"error":{"status":400,"code":"GatewayErrorCode.ACCESS_TOKEN_MISSING","message":"Calls must include Authorization header with a valid Bearer access token.","rawMessage":"moPLiqZNJB","errorParams":null,"validationErrors":null,"moreInfo":null}}
What am I doing wrong?
04-01-2019 03:46 PM
owner_id maybe?