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High Collision on all APs at one location.

High Collision on all APs at one location.

New Contributor

At one of my Locations we have two AP250s using HiveOS 10.0r7a. One is using 2.4 and 5, while the other is using dual 5Ghz. Both APs show the summary status as High Collision. When doing a show acsp neighbor the strongest 5Ghz RSSI is -80. For the 2.4Ghz radio the strongest RSSI is -79, but -87 on the channel it is operating on. The RSSI between the two APs is -92.


There is a high number of RX CRC errors on both APs, utilization below 6%, and the noise floor is listed at -95. The LLC packet count over 4 minutes was 3.33 pps. I have tried removing the lower data rates from the SSID but that did not change anything at this location. Any insight on what I can look at next would be greatly appreciated.


New Contributor

I have moved the problematic AP four feet from the glass, but it would appear that is not going to cut it. The AP is still showing High Collision and a high rx CRC rate on both radios. I am guessing at this point I will need to look into adding an AP at this location and then moving this AP to the other side of the glass wall to service the rooms over there, and then lower the power of the radios.

New Contributor

Thank you for the response Sam. I do not think it is a false interference reading in my case as some clients have issues connecting or staying connected to this AP. I have sent the tech data to the email address you specified.

Esteemed Contributor III

The 10.x firmware line has a known issue that causes false interference readings. This should be fixed when we release 10.0r8. In the mean time, could you downgrade to 8.2r6 or similar and see if the issue is still present? If it is, could you send me tech data from an AP at