06-19-2019 03:17 PM
We just upgraded our AP250's from 7.1 to 10.0r5 and are getting a ton of high interference alerts. Both radios on almost all AP's are set for 5ghz and auto power and channel. Has anyone else run into this?
09-30-2019 07:33 PM
Just this last weekend, I downgraded us to 6.5r10 to fix an issue with the 5ghz radio constantly rebooting in all our AP230s. This interference issue has gone away now.
09-30-2019 07:30 PM
heya, most of the time the devices are indeed fine, but not always. over the past year or so we had 6 ap250's which all of the sudden had high interferance and high cpu usage. when logging in on the device it responds sluggish or not at all. when you do get it to respond 1 or both of the cpu cores will be fully loaded running softirq's and/or system:
ap250#sh cpu detail
CPU total utilization: 84.586%
CPU user utilization: 0.751%
CPU system utilization: 48.872%
Number of interrupt in last second: 2689
Interrupt utilization: 0.000%
Soft interrupt utilization: 34.962%
CPU0 utilization:
CPU total utilization: 69.629%
CPU user utilization: 2.222%
CPU system utilization: 2.222%
Interrupt utilization: 0.000%
Soft interrupt utilization: 65.185%
CPU1 utilization:
CPU total utilization: 100.000%
CPU user utilization: 0.000%
CPU system utilization: 96.212%
Interrupt utilization: 0.000%
Soft interrupt utilization: 3.787%
thus far we have not found a way to get this fixed without rma'ing the unit. new config, factory reset, firmware up/downgrade...
just took down 1 unit today running 8.4r11 and logging:
2019-09-30 11:11:20 info kernel: [wifi]: wl1: wlc_phy_rx_iq_est_acphy_percore: IQ measurement timed out
2019-09-30 11:11:20 info kernel: [wifi]: *** ERROR: R Cal value out of range. 4bit Rcal = 0.
2019-09-30 11:11:20 info kernel: [wifi]: wl1: fatal error, reinitializing
2019-09-30 11:11:20 info kernel: [wifi]: wl1: wlc_dpc HAMMERING: MI_GP0 set
09-30-2019 07:06 PM
Also seeing the same thing, Before Version 8 everything was fine, Now we have more Alarms than AP's, Almost every AP is showing interference alerts on both 2.4 and 5Ghz, Have followed all the guide and also turned off over 50% of the radios and still get alerts.
08-19-2019 11:02 PM
Same here. Lots or interference now.
06-27-2019 06:28 PM
We just updated our AP230s from 6.5r9 to 8.2r4 and are seeing the same thing, half or more of our hive is now showing high interference alerts in the Hivemanager. Turning down the power on some of them did not seem to change the warnings.