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How do I change my Hivemanager account to a Connect Account

How do I change my Hivemanager account to a Connect Account

New Contributor
How do I change my Hivemanager account to a Connect Account

New Contributor II

I have this same problem, we are not going to renew our support and as such need to start using a different "free" account. However, last year I was told there is a way with a number of steps to export/copy the configuration and import into a different account, as well as releasing the APs in the current account and "grabbing" them into the new account. Does any one have the steps needed to do this?

Contributor III

I presume you're on HiveManager Select currently? If so unfortunately you cannot downgrade to connect. You can however sign up for a new instance and migrate APs, but you would have to recreate the configuration.