‎06-12-2018 09:46 PM
‎06-13-2018 05:52 AM
Chris, can you elaborate a bit more what you want to achieve?
I see you have tagged this question with "Hivemanager Connect" - can you confirm that you are using the Connect platform, and not "Select"?
‎08-08-2019 05:25 PM
I'm sorry about that, it should be functioning again now. Thank you for letting me know.
‎08-08-2019 05:12 PM
The link is dead..
‎06-25-2018 08:15 PM
Hello, thanks for confirming for me. In that case, to set up an SSID where users have to enter their AD credentials through a CWP, you would want to create an Open SSID> Enable CWP> Check the box next to "User Auth and Captive Web Portal"> This will give you the option to either Authenticate via Radius server (which you can do by following the guide I posted earlier about Radius Set up in NG), or by redirecting them to an External URL for authentication. Is this what you were looking for?
‎06-25-2018 06:58 PM