‎08-03-2019 11:51 PM
‎08-21-2019 03:30 PM
I apologize for the delay. I've tried to use both, with the same results: In Auto, it selects a 20Mhz channel. In Manual, I only see 20Mhz channels.
When I go to 'MyAP: Wireless Interfaces', it shows wireless interface 1 as 80Mhz channel width, and currently on channel 52 (it is in auto).
When I run a wifi sniffer, I see it is only using 20Mhz @ channel 52.
‎08-05-2019 01:10 PM
Could you tell me which HiveManager platform you are using? This guide will walk you through how to determine which HiveManager you are using, for reference: https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/Which-HiveManager-Platform-am-I-using