‎06-23-2019 04:14 PM
‎06-24-2019 01:19 PM
I'm sorry, do you have a router or an AP? The AP 141 is not a router, so I want to be sure I understand which device you are using. Also, to get download access in Hive Community you would need to purchase partner (VAD/VAR) support at minimum. If you can give me a sales order showing your support level, I can enable the proper permissions for you in Hive Community.
Otherwise, if you can let me know the file you are looking for, and what version the device is on currently, I can provide a temporary link for you to download what you need. We also have a free HiveManager version, HiveManager Connect, that comes with the latest firmware for any model device. This guide walks you through how to register for Connect, just in case you're interested: https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/Registering-for-HiveManager-Connect