03-05-2019 06:48 PM
using a "local" (at a colo) hivemanager vm which did not power cycle.
In ID Manager
Under Home > Connect > Supported HiveManager Accounts
for the company name it shows 0 SSIDs
When I click on the company name it sends me to another page where I receive:
Login Application Server Error
Login information does not match an active account.
I see the AP's going through the firewall making requests to
Tried resyncing the password for the admin account I am using.
ID manager shows no entries in the authentication log since 3/3/2019 1:32 PM
03-06-2019 06:51 PM
Thank You...that did get past that error.
03-06-2019 11:52 AM
Thank you for that picture. I see jeffk@morphodetection.com as the default admin for the IDM account linked to your HiveManager, could you try logging in with that email address and seeing if you have the same issue?
03-05-2019 09:18 PM
Thank You....
When I click on the link which is the company name, I go straight here
03-05-2019 08:45 PM
For a local HiveManager, showing 0 SSIDs is expected. SSIDs will only populate there for online HiveManager connections. As for the error you are seeing, could you send a screen shot of that message and the page you see it on? If you'd like to send that directly to me, my email is communityhelp@aerohive.com.