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MAC Authentication

MAC Authentication

New Contributor


Hi, I am trying to configure MAC access, but it does not work correctly. I follow the following documentation, but it does not work, does not allow the connection. Can anybody help me? Thank you!


Esteemed Contributor III

I've emailed you the key for 1 device that will last for 30 days.

New Contributor

Hi Sam, ok. I dont have keys to add new HiveManager temporarily. Can you send me mail?

Esteemed Contributor III

Thanks for letting me know. I took a look and everything looks correct to me. Would it be okay if I added an AP from my lab to your HiveManager? I'd like to push your policy out to my AP to test this from my side. This would take a bit of configuration so to detail what I'd like to do:

  • Add an AP to your HiveManager temporarily (if you don't have enough entitlement keys to allow this, I would give you a temp key to expand the inventory so I could continue testing)
  • Create a test network policy named AerohiveTest
  • Use the SSID Intermakr_Innovacion in my new network policy
  • I'll have to change the user profile to use VLAN 1 temporarily so I can test this in my lab as I don't have the same VLANs you do. This will cause the other APs using this SSID to alert you that a change has been made, but I would not push this change to any AP other than my own so the change won't affect client devices. I will fix the user profile as soon as I've pushed the test to my AP so it will be the way you had it originally.
  • Add a user to your user group with my client MAC address


If this is all acceptable to you I can do this for you today and let you know the results. If you would be more comfortable doing this over a screen sharing session with a technician, I would urge you to contact your VAD so they can do this testing with you live.

New Contributor

Hi, Sam

Its the Policy GrupoIntermark, the SSID Intermark_Innovacion.
