‎11-02-2018 04:52 PM
‎11-05-2018 07:20 PM
OK, We will wait until the holiday break, and see how the mapping looks then.
Thank you for reviewing the tech data files, and highlighting the trouble spots. I will review that material, and send some pictures of the surrounding environment. Can we keep this ticket open for a while longer?
‎11-05-2018 06:56 PM
As for the server move, we can certainly wait for winter break, that is not an issue. If you are not on the latest version, we'd want to get you updated but in general the HiveManager will remain the same and all of your configuration items will come over with you and remain functional. The only downside to the server move is that there will be a brief amount of time during the server move where you wouldn't be able to log in to the HiveManager. However, your network will remain up and active so your end user clients won't be disconnected at all. Just let us know when you'd like to schedule this and we'll set that up for you.
‎11-05-2018 06:52 PM
Thank you very much for those tech data files, I've sent you an email with some detailed feedback but I wanted to keep this thread updated as well in case anyone else has similar issues.
The commands I checked in the tech data were:
show acsp neighbor
show interface wifi0
show interface wifi0 _count
show interface wifi1
show interface wifi1 _count
What I found:
show acsp neighbor showed some neighboring APs that were too loud (RSSI value of -50's, we want this to be -75 -> -100, closer to 0 means a louder signal, more damage).
The show interface commands showed wifi0 has some significant CRC interference in some places. For CRC errors we want to make sure we're avoiding metal, glass, or water near the AP as much as possible.
‎11-05-2018 06:04 PM
Thanks Sam, I am concerned that the Mapping function isn't working properly, as I was attempting to use it for troubleshooting. At this point though, I am more concerned about an area of our building with erratic wireless connectivity. This could involve up to 6 APs. I know from past experience, that the inability for users to connect to the AP in their classroom can be caused by an AP in an adjacent room. When the adjacent AP is disconnected, the original AP works as it should. I've attached the tech data for the 6 APs in that end of the building.
As for moving the server, I have concerns about doing this right now. What will our hive look like after the move? Will we need to do much reconfiguration? I think I would like to wait until Winter break to do that.
‎11-05-2018 03:35 PM
I believe the maps issue is going to be server based, so we could try a server move to see if we can get those stabilized. We'd want to make a technical support case to get the server move scheduled, would you be able to make a case and let me know the case number? I can take ownership of the case and get the server move scheduled for you if you'd like to try that.
I can also check for failing reporting files coming from the AP in the tech data, which could affect some map features as well. To get tech data, we'd want to go to Monitor> Check the box next to the AP> Utilities> Get tech data.