03-22-2019 01:52 PM
We want to check our hivemanager ng on premise with the Monitoring Software check_mk. This product has an agent for hivemanager ng but only for the cloud Version. The product want a Client ID and a Client secret. But in the on premise Version we have this Parameters not. Have you any idea?
Best reagards
03-22-2019 02:40 PM
Client ID and Client secrete are typically used when talking about APIs. For instance, in the cloud version of HiveManager if click on the silhouette icon in the top right hand corner> Global Settings> API Token Management> Plus icon to make a new object, you'll see that it asks for a Client ID, which we would get from the API rather than from somewhere in the HiveManager. Our on premises version doesn't currently support this however, so you would need to move to a cloud version to use HiveManager with APIs.