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Options for 802.11ax radio profile

Options for 802.11ax radio profile

New Contributor II

I have a question about two options for the AX radio profile on HiveManager


"Radio Load Balancing", this will distribute clients between the two radio's in Dual-5GHz mode. Should this be enabled or will the load-balancing between radio's work fine it this is disabled? I believe this depends on the fact if a client sees the first beacon from radio A or radio B, right?


"Enable Downlink OFDMA", why is this option greyed-out? Isn't this enabled by default in the 802.11ax protocol?


Esteemed Contributor III

Radio load balancing is only recommended when you have several APs within one large room, such as a cafeteria or auditorium. As long as the APs are within the same 4 walls, the load balancing feature will help distribute clients evenly throughout the room. For APs not within the same 4 walls, there are other settings that help balance clients between the APs such as the data rates that are accepted or declined.


The Enable Downlink OFDMA feature is only applicable for the AP 630, 650, and 650X, are you working with one of these models?