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Radio Profiles

Radio Profiles

New Contributor III

I have a mix of AP230, AP250 and the new AP650. Would it be better to use separate 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz radio profiles for each AP model?


New Contributor III
I tried pushing the SDR profile for my AP230 to a single AP, but I get an error the radio profile for wifi0 must be set to default radio (radio_ng_ng0)

New Contributor III

Doesn't appear that we are using the SRD profiles on any of the past Devices, so it was not enabled on the new AP650's. Most issues are on the 2.4 radio from the alerts.

We do have a lot of Chromebooks, a few Chromecasts and out new Interactive displays, which uses the mDNS. I'll look into the links you have posted.



Are the alerts for the 2.4 or 5 GHz frequency?


Are you attempting to utilized the SDR radio and/or a SDR radio profile to flip any unneeded 2.4 GHz radios over to a 5 GHz radio? Your 5 GHz looks rather clean (hears 4 other APs of yours). While your 2.4 GHz radio hears a multitude. With one being right around the -70 dBm mark.


Your show int wifi1 outputs do not show a high % of interference (at least not in the instant in time when you ran the command). It may also be worth noting this post - where some HiveOS were flagging high interference alerts when there were not issues related to that.


One thing that can be very beneficial is to limit inter-station traffic if you have no desire for the client devices to chat with each other. At the SSID level you can stop this. This will limit severely mDNS, and other things (Apple Classroom, Chrome Teacher mgmt - or whatever that is called). Some of this is explained in much more detail here - and





New Contributor III

After creating separate radio profiles, I'm still getting High Interference: I attached a log file to run through if you like

New Contributor III

Classrooms are my issue, a majority of AP drops are in every other classroom, and usually not straight across from another room. So rooms 1,7,11 and rooms 4,8,12 would get an AP. We mostly do Chromebooks, iPads for students, and the staff laptop.