11-08-2018 10:20 PM
02-13-2020 04:17 PM
The AP will show "grey" until it connects to the HiveManager, and the solid amber light means the AP is fully booted but not connected to the HiveManager. These guides review how to manually connect your device to your HiveManager, depending on which platform you're using:
HiveManager Classic (myhive.aerohive.com😞 https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/CAPWAP-HiveManager-Classic
ExtremeCloud IQ (formerly HiveManager NG, extremecloudiq.com): https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/CAPWAP-Guide-for-HiveManager-NG
02-13-2020 04:02 PM
I had a question in regards to this forum. Currently, I am having the same issue with a solid orange light on an AP230 Aerohive. Connection showing "grey" in the HiveManager even after reboot/configuration upload.
Any suggestions would be most helpful!
Thank you for your time,
-Richard H.
04-01-2019 05:35 PM
It's possible, you would want to open a technical support case to confirm an issue with the hardware. I would recommend resetting the AP, reconnecting it to the HiveManager, and configuring the IP address via the GUI.
04-01-2019 05:30 PM
I did configure the default gateway, the AP start flashing on white for 2 seconds, then reboot again. do you thnik taht teh problem may come from the hardware?