12-16-2019 08:59 PM
My SR2208P shows as disconnected on the ExtremeCloud IQ webpage. Whenever I tried to make an update to the switch, I see the message "Device Update Failed". I verified that my switch is using HiveAgent Version
Below is the information when I issue command "show hivemanager status":
(AH-Switch) #show hivemanager status
............................................... .......................................
HiveAgent Status............................... CONTACTING REDIRECTOR
HiveAgent Version..............................
HiveAgent Debug................................ ON
HiveAgent Source Interface..................... DEFAULT
HiveAgent HTTP Proxy........................... -
............................................... .......................................
HiveAgent Association Method................... REDIRECTOR
HiveAgent Association Url...................... -
HiveAgent Poll URL............................. -
HiveAgent Redirector FQDN...................... cloud-rd.aerohive.com
............................................... .......................................
12-19-2019 01:58 PM
Hi Benjamin,
I have some bad news. Here is the response I received from Aerohive Technical support:
I would recommend to also enter a support case or call Technical support and have a case open. Maybe the more customer pressure may result in a quicker response from Aerohive. I can tell you that my opinion of Aerohive is substantially lowered.
12-18-2019 10:04 PM
I am having the same issue. I have also followed the steps outlined in the guide, but it continues to give me the "FAILED TO CONNECT TO REDIRECTOR/HIVEMANAGER".
12-18-2019 01:57 PM
Answer from the support team: "there is a new issues the has arisen from the HTTPS cert update that went out in October. We are using this information to track the issues for our Dev team. Based on the logs we are seeing this behavior with your switch."
My switch is operational, but I cannot make any configuration changes through Extreme IQ.
12-17-2019 06:50 PM
That did not work. I will open a support case.
12-17-2019 02:30 PM
I would recommend following the steps outlined in this guide: https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/Connecting-a-SR2200-SR2300-switch-to-HiveManager
If those don't help, you might want to open a technical support case so we can troubleshoot this with you in more detail.