11-21-2018 04:24 PM
I'm configuring 3 AP122's for a site survey, they will be placed on top of tri-pods, only connected to POE batteries, no network and no "HIVE"
For this I need a configuration that doesn't require a connection to Hivemanager or the network in general.
I have created the working configuration below, a laptop connects, gets an IP address can ping the AP as required. However the AP stops broadcasting the SSIDD after a short period. Does anybody have an idea?
security-object TEST-1
security-object TEST-1 security protocol-suite wpa2-aes-psk ascii-key ***
security-object TEST-1 default-user-profile-attr 1
ssid TEST-Sitesurvey
ssid TEST-Sitesurvey security-object TEST-1
interface wifi0 radio channel 1
interface wifi0 radio power 20
interface wifi1 mode access
interface wifi1 radio channel 44
interface wifi1 radio power 20
interface wifi0 ssid TEST-Sitesurvey
interface wifi1 ssid TEST-Sitesurvey
no system led power-saving-mode
hostname AP01
interface mgt0 ip
interface mgt0 dhcp-server ip-pool
interface mgt0 dhcp-server enable
no capwap client enable
user-profile TEST-1 qos-policy def-user-qos vlan-id 1 attribute 1
11-22-2018 01:06 PM
Can this be related to the "track" function? There is nothing in the running configuration I can see though.
11-21-2018 05:41 PM
After a reboot the SSID is there again
11-21-2018 04:46 PM
Is the device reverting to a bootstrap config after failing to create a capwap connection?