10-19-2018 10:16 AM
Hi, i'm able to get the data out of the hivemanager via the API.
I noticed that the upTime of the accesspoints are empty
Am I doing something wrong here?
$VAR1 = {
‘error’ => undef,
‘data’ => {
‘upTime’ => undef,
‘dns’ => ‘****’,
‘subnetMask’ => ‘’,
‘locationId’ => 8589939959,
‘macAddress’ => ‘D854A25C4EC0’,
‘deviceId’ => 8589939779,
‘mode’ => ‘PORTAL’,
‘ip’ => ‘*****’,
‘activeClients’ => 1,
‘model’ => ‘AP_230’,
‘serialId’ => ‘*****’,
‘deviceTemplate’ => ‘AP230’,
‘mgmtStatus’ => ‘MANAGED’,
‘latitude’ => undef,
‘alarmEvents’ => [],
‘policy’ => ‘****’,
‘ntp’ => ‘0.aerohive.pool.ntp.org’,
‘locations’ => [],
‘longitude’ => undef,
‘lastUpdated’ => ‘2018-10-17T10:53:35.983Z’,
‘osVersion’ => ‘’,
‘connected’ => bless( do{(my $o = 1)}, ‘JSON::PP::Boolean’ ),
‘simulatedDevice’ => bless( do{(my $o = 0)}, ‘JSON::PP::Boolean’ ),
‘cpuUsage’ => 10,
‘hostName’ => ‘*****’,
‘defaultGateway’ => ‘’,
‘memUsage’ => 57,
‘ownerId’ => 2
11-05-2018 08:02 PM
Thanks very much for letting me know, I've taken ownership of the case and informed our API team of the case. I'll keep you updated via the case from here on out.
11-05-2018 07:47 PM
Case 00254415 created
11-05-2018 07:33 PM
@Bjorn van de Langenberg , thanks for keeping the thread active. I am still looking in to this for you on our side, but I think at this point we'll need a case to move your question up to engineering. I've enabled case creation access for you in Hive Community, if you could let me know the case number you receive, I'll take the case and update it with what we've discussed so far. Then we can move the case up for further assistance.
11-01-2018 03:09 PM
Sam? Hello?