10-19-2018 10:16 AM
Hi, i'm able to get the data out of the hivemanager via the API.
I noticed that the upTime of the accesspoints are empty
Am I doing something wrong here?
$VAR1 = {
‘error’ => undef,
‘data’ => {
‘upTime’ => undef,
‘dns’ => ‘****’,
‘subnetMask’ => ‘’,
‘locationId’ => 8589939959,
‘macAddress’ => ‘D854A25C4EC0’,
‘deviceId’ => 8589939779,
‘mode’ => ‘PORTAL’,
‘ip’ => ‘*****’,
‘activeClients’ => 1,
‘model’ => ‘AP_230’,
‘serialId’ => ‘*****’,
‘deviceTemplate’ => ‘AP230’,
‘mgmtStatus’ => ‘MANAGED’,
‘latitude’ => undef,
‘alarmEvents’ => [],
‘policy’ => ‘****’,
‘ntp’ => ‘0.aerohive.pool.ntp.org’,
‘locations’ => [],
‘longitude’ => undef,
‘lastUpdated’ => ‘2018-10-17T10:53:35.983Z’,
‘osVersion’ => ‘’,
‘connected’ => bless( do{(my $o = 1)}, ‘JSON::PP::Boolean’ ),
‘simulatedDevice’ => bless( do{(my $o = 0)}, ‘JSON::PP::Boolean’ ),
‘cpuUsage’ => 10,
‘hostName’ => ‘*****’,
‘defaultGateway’ => ‘’,
‘memUsage’ => 57,
‘ownerId’ => 2
10-19-2018 02:36 PM
Which endpoint are you making a call to?