03-18-2019 04:10 PM
We recently went to VOIP in all of our locations. The company we chose has an app that can be used for calls. They said we need to do the following on our Wi-Fi.
Can you please make sure that you have these ports open on your WiFi network:
Desk Phones
- Registration - 443
- Signaling - SIPTLS - 5061
- NTP - 123
Mobile Apps when on WiFi
- Registration - 444
- e911 - 443
- Signaling - SIPTLS - 443 and 5061
Destination IP
- FQDN - deviceact.myvzw.com
- Range - -
Where do I do this in the portal or can someone assist me with doing this.
Thank you.
03-18-2019 05:11 PM
03-18-2019 05:00 PM
You'd want to confirm most of this via your networks firewall, which isn't hosted in the HiveManager. Within the HiveManager it would be a good idea to check the IP firewall objects in the user profiles to make sure we don't have any custom rules that affect these ports. To check this you would want to go to Configuration> Open the Network Policy in use> Click on the User Profile(s) in use within this network policy (at least one per SSID)> Expand the Firewalls section> If you have any objects in the To or From IP Firewall fields, edit these objects to see what those rules are.