ā06-14-2019 04:18 PM
ā08-08-2019 02:10 PM
Hi Karsten, this is a feature of the new Network 360 tab. The ping is expected, to help fill in the connectivity metrics in the Network 360 widgets. It won't hurt anything on the wireless network if this ping can't go through, but you may have some blank reports within HiveManager.
ā08-08-2019 01:56 PM
Hi Sam,
I got the same Problem after upgrading from HiveOS 8.2r6.228034 to HiveOS 10.0r6.231435 on my AP's.
Will send the techdata Asap.
ā06-20-2019 10:45 AM
Thank you for that data. Could you send tech data from an AP that is trying to reach If you'd like to send this to me directly, my email is communityhelp@aerohive.com.
ā06-18-2019 03:26 AM
Hi Sam,
Here is the result from my show dns.
show dns
DNS server configuration:
Domain name suffix:{domain}
Primary :
Secondary :
Tertiary :
I see in my firewall logs the ping originating from AP's in my Backhaul network to Google and getting blocked due to my firewall rules on that network. I have attached a screensnip.
ā06-17-2019 12:50 PM
Where do you see that they are trying to ping Also, could you run the command "show dns" to see which DNS servers you are using?