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Why must default radio profile be used for SDR?

Why must default radio profile be used for SDR?

New Contributor

I have filled a residential apartment building on campus with AP250s and would like to utilize SDR. I have configured new radio profiles for the device template to fit the needs of the building and created a new SDR profile selecting my new radio profiles as candidates. However, when I attempt to save the profile in order to utilize it, I am told that in order to use SDR " the radio profile for WiFi0 must be set to the default (radio_ng_ng0)" I am curious as to why it must use the default profile and as this is the case, why is there even a drop down menu to choose a candidate 2.4GHz radio profile?



Contributor III

Hi Lucas, I presume you've selected the WiFi0 operating mode to be 5GHz? If you change this to the 5GHz you can select your created profiles. By using SDR it will choose whether to use the 2.4GHz radio profile or the 5GHz and I presume it's by design this has to be set to 2.4 initially to work.