‎08-14-2019 12:09 PM
‎08-16-2019 12:58 PM
Thank you Sam, I will open a case with my partner contact. I am used to,.
I think that I will ask others question in this platform because I have some 🙂
‎08-16-2019 12:43 PM
Thank you for adding me, and for providing the organization and object names. The configuration looks perfect, so my best advice would be to file a technical support case with your partner so our engineers can investigate why the template is not being applied. You'll want to attach a screen shot of the user group showing the email template is set in there, and a screen shot of the email you receive that doesn't reflect the template you have built. If you're unsure who to contact for your partner, I can email you directly with that information.
‎08-16-2019 08:08 AM
Thanks for replying me.
Sure ! I created your account as an external.
My organization is called : CIRM.
The user group that I have problems is guest_15j. Actually, It existed, but, I deleted it because I cannot modify it. So, I create again this group, same name, options, but when I selected the Template-mail-CIRM-visiteurs, this option is not taken when I received the email. But, it is in place in the group form.
Sorry for my English, hope, you can understand me.
‎08-14-2019 01:53 PM
Would you be able to add me as an external user so I can take a look at the user group settings? You'd want to add me with the email address slynn@aerohive.com. Please also let me know the organization name (Global Settings> Account details) and the name of the user group in question.