10-08-2019 10:52 PM
I have set my AP's to run at 17dBm power on wifi1.
However, some of them are only running at 14dBm and some at 12dBm.
As you can see from CLI output, ACSP is disabled.
show acsp
Interface Channel select state Primary channel Channel width Power ctrl state Tx power(dbm) Use Last Selection
--------- --------------------- ---------------- ------------- --------------------- ------------- ---------------------
Wifi0 Disable(Link down) Down 20 Disable(Link down) Down Channel:No Power:No
Wifi1 Disable(User disable) 56* 20 Disable(User disable) 12* Channel:No Power:No
Here is a sample output from show interface wifi1 on an AP with 17dBm shown in GUI.
show interface wifi1
AC=access category; be=best-effort; bg=background; vi=video; vo=voice;
AIFS=Arbitration Inter-Frame Space; Txoplimit=transmission opportunity limit;
IDP=Intrusion detection and prevention; BGSCAN=background scan; PS=Power save;
HT=High throughput; A-MPDU=Aggregate MAC protocol data unit;
DFS=Dynamic Frequency Selection; CU=Channel Utilization;
EIRP=Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (Transmit Power + Max Antenna Gain + Max TX Chains Gain);
Summary state=Good;
Mode=access; Radio disabled=no;
Admin state=enabled; Operational state=up;
MAC addr=d854:a216:1720; MTU=1500;
Freq(Chan)=5220Mhz(44*); EIRP power=22.77*dBm(12dBm + 6.00dBi + 4.77dBi); Diversity=enabled;
Tx range=300m; Noise floor=-95dBm; Tx power control=disabled;
Board limit=21dBm(1) 21dBm(2) 21dBm(3) -(4) ; Regulatory limit=17dBm(1) 14dBm(2) 12dBm(3) -(4) ;
and here is sample output from an AP with 12 dBm shown in GUI...
show interface wifi1
AC=access category; be=best-effort; bg=background; vi=video; vo=voice;
AIFS=Arbitration Inter-Frame Space; Txoplimit=transmission opportunity limit;
IDP=Intrusion detection and prevention; BGSCAN=background scan; PS=Power save;
HT=High throughput; A-MPDU=Aggregate MAC protocol data unit;
DFS=Dynamic Frequency Selection; CU=Channel Utilization;
EIRP=Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (Transmit Power + Max Antenna Gain + Max TX Chains Gain);
Summary state=High collision;
Mode=access; Radio disabled=no;
Admin state=enabled; Operational state=up;
MAC addr=d854:a216:1ca0; MTU=1500;
Freq(Chan)=5260Mhz(52*); EIRP power=22.77*dBm(12dBm + 6.00dBi + 4.77dBi); Diversity=enabled;
Tx range=300m; Noise floor=-95dBm; Tx power control=disabled;
Board limit=21dBm(1) 21dBm(2) 21dBm(3) -(4) ; Regulatory limit=17dBm(1) 14dBm(2) 12dBm(3) -(4) ;
10-28-2019 08:39 AM
I just downgraded from 10.0r7a to 8.2.r4.
It seems like the power is going up. Although I have not been onsite to actually confirm sending power has gone up.
Power now shows 19dBm. But the reulatory limit doesn't specify spatial streams. Power in GUI shows 19dBm.
AP122#show int wifi1 | i Board
OFDM 20Mhz power: Board limit=19dBm; Regulatory limit=19dBm;
AP122#show int wifi1 | i "Freq(Chan)"
Freq(Chan)=5180Mhz(36*); EIRP power=28.01*dBm(19dBm + 6.00dBi + 3.01dBi); Diversity=enabled;
10-25-2019 03:04 PM
To my knowledge, you are correct. The regulatory limit should be based off of the frequency. Are these two APs running the same HiveOS? I imagine this could impact those values. The 2x2:2 AP vs. 3x3:3 AP I guess could as well. But someone from Aerohive would have to speak on the matter to know for sure.
10-24-2019 11:42 AM
@Brian Powers Hope your great powers can help with this power output confusion... So I suppose the Regulatory limit means at *the current channel* ?
My AP122 current channel set to 36
AP122#show run | i "wifi1 radio channel"
interface wifi1 radio channel 36
On AP122 I am allowed to max use 14dBm with 2 spatial streams?
AP122# show interface wifi1 | i board
Board limit=19dBm(1) 19dBm(2) -(3) -(4); Regulatory limit=19dBm(1) 14dBm(2) -(3) -(4);
Ok what if I change to channel 104? Does that allow me to up the regulatory limit?
AP122# interface wifi1 radio channel 104
AP122# show interface wifi1 | i board
Board limit=19dBm(1) 19dBm(2) -(3) -(4); Regulatory limit=20dBm(1) 15dBm(2) -(3) -(4);
Right, so one more dBm on channel 104 is allowed, great.
Checking on another AP230 that is currently set to channel 104.
AP230# show run | i "wifi1 radio channel"
interface wifi1 radio channel 104
AP230#show interface wifi1 | i Board
Board limit=21dBm(1) 21dBm(2) 21dBm(3) -(4); Regulatory limit=25dBm(1) 22dBm(2) 20dBm(3) -(4);
Now this confuses me as the AP230 has higher regulatory limit than my AP122.
Same channel, same channel width, same country code.
AP122/AP230#show boot-param | i Country
Country Code: 578
10-16-2019 12:01 PM
Thank you for the good explanation.