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BR-MLX-MR2-M became an X card after firmware update

BR-MLX-MR2-M became an X card after firmware update

New Contributor


We had BR-MLX-MR2-M card with 5.6h firmware. (inside mlxe4)
We've put it in different chassis (mlxe16) as a secondary MGMT.

In this new chassis master MGMT has firmware v 6.2(b), after second card was synced it became a BR-MLX-MR2-X.
M1 (upper):BR-MLX-MR2-M Management Module Active
M2 (lower):BR-MLX-MR2-X Management Module Standby (Reset State)


And of course it gives us an error: Standby management module is not enabled due to type mismatch

Now question - what to do in such situation? As I understand the card just has an identity crisis.


Contributor II
I tried this in the lab today, but unfortunately, I cannot reproduce it. I am going from 5.8 to 6.2; then, "erase flash" of the second management board. It always drops me back to the two -M versions. The best possibility for you may do the RMA/support request ticket or get a new -M version. EPROM shall take the identity, and they may be intelligent procedures to reprogram. However, I don't know these.

M1 (left ):BR-MLX-MR2-M Management Module Standby(App sync/Stabilize state)
M2 (right):BR-MLX-MR2-M Management Module Active

New Contributor
To theale :

In my first answer to joergkost I wrote following:

I believe I ran into this but I just did an "erase" (deleted all files from secondary MP flash) and secondary MP flashed successfully into... well, MR2-X."

So even If I had this issue it's not the case at the moment. Both cards are running same version of firmware (boot/monitor/os) now and I don't have this error(from the article 000063714) in the message log
Nevertheless I did what you asked for and still have same error " Standby management module is not enabled due to type mismatch
" and MR2-M card that thinks that it is MR2-X

show ver + dir from module in question (standby module with identity crisit)
MP-2 Monitor>show vers    
 Boot     05.09.00T165     Mar 19 2015 03:16:46 PDT xmprm05900  
 Monitor  06.02.00T165     Aug 17 2017 11:22:12 PDT xmb06200 (code)
 1.666 GHz Power PC processor  (version 8004/0202) 166.6667 MHz bus
 started=cold start
MP-2 Monitor>dir
   660145 [c395] ___mbridge
   573366 [0000] lp-monitor-0
  9567381 [0000] lp-primary-0
   546965 [0000] monitor
      256 [77b3] monitor.sig
 10676645 [0000] primary
      256 [57c7] primary.sig
     4438 [edf5] startup-config
 22029452 bytes 8 File(s)
109314048 bytes free

Same from main MP
SL M1: BR-MLX-MR2-M Management Module Active (Serial #: BVP0419L02Z, Part #: 60-1002374-07):
Boot     : Version 5.9.0T165 Copyright (c) 1996-2015 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
Compiled on Mar 19 2015 at 03:16:46 labeled as xmprm05900
(521771 bytes) from boot flash
Monitor  : Version 6.2.0T165 Copyright (c) 1996-2015 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
Compiled on Aug 17 2017 at 11:22:12 labeled as xmb06200
(546965 bytes) from code flash
IronWare : Version 6.2.0bT163 Copyright (c) 1996-2015 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
Compiled on Apr  4 2018 at 08:59:36 labeled as xmr06200b
(10676645 bytes) from Primary
Board ID : 00 MBRIDGE Revision : 37
1666 MHz Power PC processor 7448 (version 8004/0202) 166 MHz bus
512 KB Boot Flash (MX29LV040C), 128 MB Code Flash (MT28F256J3)
Active Management uptime is 3 days 21 hours 16 minutes 45 seconds

Directory of /flash/

05/24/2017 19:10:38                       1  $$snmp_boots
08/24/2021 18:09:07                   1,564  $$sshrsahost.key
08/24/2021 18:40:12                   3,588  $$user_profile
12/14/2021 11:14:33                 660,145  ___mbridge
01/18/2021 13:45:19                     478  boot.sig
12/14/2021 10:29:26                     460  fips_public_key.crt
01/18/2021 13:49:30                 524,288  lp-boot
01/18/2021 13:49:28                 524,288  lp-boot-0
01/18/2021 13:45:26                     478  lp-boot.sig
12/14/2021 10:29:39                     256  lp-mon.sig
12/14/2021 11:07:44                 573,366  lp-monitor-0
12/14/2021 10:31:59                     256  lp-pri.sig
12/14/2021 11:09:38               9,567,381  lp-primary-0
12/14/2021 10:33:54                     256  lpfpga.sig
12/14/2021 10:29:26                   3,011  manifest
12/14/2021 10:29:26                     256  manifest.sig
12/14/2021 11:07:27                     256  mbridge.sig
12/14/2021 12:00:54                 546,965  monitor
12/14/2021 10:29:26                     256  monitor.sig
12/14/2021 11:08:48              10,676,645  primary
12/14/2021 10:29:51                     256  primary.sig
12/15/2021 23:00:28                   4,438  startup-config


Could it be that by running "erase" on module in question I accidentally removed some file from flash that was telling card what it is(its identity)?
I believe these cards (mr2-x and mr2-m) are the same in hardware and it's just a marketing trick, just a software difference. So it's a question for certain bits in the right place (that will tell card what it should be)


Extreme Employee
Hi Aleksandr,

No I am not suggesting that you boot the new MP module alone in the system, did you read the article in the link that I provided, nowhere does it talk about making the new standby MP the active MP.
If you want to do that you would have to upgrade the management module from a tftp server, it is far easier to follow the procedure in the link that I provided and will not interrupt the operation of your router.

The procedure is basically as follows:
1)   Check that messages like the following are scrolling on the active MP console.
       Error:update_standby_mp_image_info: num_lp_image_info (9556573) is larger than LP_IMAGE_TYPE_NUMBER (1)
2)   Reboot the standby MP
3)   On the standby MP console press the b key several times to interrupt the boot sequence and put the module into monitor mode.
4)   On the standby MP console run the dir command to list files.
5)   Compare the file size with the number in parentheses from the error messages on the active MP console.
6)   Delete the file that matches that file size, probably the lp-primary-0 file, with the del command.
7)   Reboot the standby MP from monitor mode with the reset command
😎   After the module has completed file sync and booted into the standby role check if the monitor version matches the active MP.
9)   If the monitor versions do not match reboot the standby MP again using the command reboot-standby from the active MP.
10) After the standby MP has booted check if the monitor version matches the active MP, if it does you have completed the recovery procedure.

This whole procedure should only take a few minutes to complete, so check the active MP console for the error messages to confirm you are seeing this issue, then follow the recovery procedure to correct it.


New Contributor

to theale :

Are you suggesting that I should boot that module alone in the system (as primary and alone) ?