‎03-24-2022 11:46 AM
‎03-29-2022 03:35 AM
‎03-29-2022 08:19 AM
‎03-25-2022 08:32 AM
lp sync $SLOT?
show version management | include Iron
show chassis | include slot
show mod
‎03-25-2022 04:34 AM
Do you have the release files - matching your management and chassis releasing - sitting on a TFTP server somewhere? Then, after the card stops booting, you need to copy the images onto the new card.
lp boot system interactive $SLOT
copy tftp lp $TFTP /MLX/Monitor/InterfaceModule/xmlb$RELEASE.bin monitor $SLOT
copy tftp lp $TFTP /MLX/Boot/InterfaceModule/xmlprm$RELEASE.bin boot $SLOT
copy tftp lp $TFTP /MLX/Combined/FPGA/lpfpga$RELEASE.bin fpga-all $SLOT
power-off lp $SLOT
power-on lp $SLOT
Replace $TFTP with the IP of your TFTP, $RELEASE with your release version and $SLOT with the corresponding slot, where the module was inserted.