09-17-2020 01:44 AM
Try to enter he command tag-type and seems like not working or not on the older code. Wanted to configure QnQ on CER
09-19-2020 10:09 AM
With the following what is the tag type 8100, /9100…...or on port 2/3
interface ethernet 2/3
port-type provider-network
09-18-2020 12:08 AM
Looks like CER unlike MLX from what read does not support tag-type command.. looking at Port-based Service Interface Super Aggregated
VLANs (SAV) on the CER…. Issue is if change tag2 to 9100 and apply to the network port it will impact other traffic
09-17-2020 11:43 AM
I am able to configure “tag-type” on 5.6d code. The configuration is under the global configuration mode. Please let us know what error are they seeing.
09-17-2020 02:41 AM
As mentioned could be older version. I now have the version and it is 5.6.f I did tell him to upgrade…. Was this supported in 5.6.f?