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Replacing a Cisco 3845 router and Cisco 3560 switch with extreme products

Replacing a Cisco 3845 router and Cisco 3560 switch with extreme products

New Contributor II
HI There,

We asked from a customer to replace his network equipment.
Now the customer's site is using a Cisco 3845 router and Cisco Catalyst 3560 48p X2

Can anyone help us for equal equipment of extreme products?

Thank you in advance,


Contributor III
Good luck Theoadan. I help run a large ISP/Service providor network all on Extreme for 21 years. I can not tell you how many times this has come up and I have helped those with open minds re-work and simplify their Cisco networks from layer 3 everywhere to layer 2 to edge with hardened and redundant common core's... Some of these even continued to use their Cisco but more as a switch instead of a router... It can be an uphill battle for sure. Good luck and please continue to use the knowledge base we have here which IMO is the best support forum of any vendor I work with...

New Contributor II
Hi there,

Thank you all for your inputs.
I know that CISCO is building networks the way that CISCO needs to sell more. The issue here in Greece is that almost 99% of the Network equipment at any installation is CISCO. Take this for granted.
We are trying to persuade our customers to move to another provider for more simple, more secure and more reliable but this is not always easy.

I am considering EtherMAN answer as an option, and James A for the security , integration.



Contributor II
Hi theoadon,

I agree with EtherMAN that an EXOS switch can quite often replace a router, but only if the WAN connection is using Ethernet (e.g. an Ethernet port of a provider router, or a DSL modem, or a cable modem). The X460-G2 might be a good starting point to look at.


Contributor III
I will approach this in a different direction. You must look at their needs and network to see if all the Cisco Layer 3 routing and protocols can be made simpler by using vlans and switches around a common core router that can run VRRP or OSPF or maybe even just static routes if it is a single router in the middle of a LAN. Cisco is about building networks to sell more Cisco gear and many times is more complex than it needs to be in order to sell more gear. Anyway just my thoughts
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