3 weeks ago
Dear Team,
I am trying to login to my switch with the root creadential but now its showing the account is disabled. I need help to recover the root account
Your account is disabled; please contact your system administrator
3 weeks ago
If you can login to the switch with the admin account, you simply need to do the following:
SLX# conf
Entering configuration mode terminal
SLX(config)# root enable
% Info: Root password is at system default, for better security, you may want to change it.
3 weeks ago
Hi Prithvi,
You can reset the root password by following this procedure with serial console access:
ONIE:/ # bootenv VM_Root_Recover RootLogin
ONIE:/ # reboot ONIE:/ # discover: Rescue mode detected. No discover stopped. Stopping: dropbear ssh daemon... done.
Sagar Sahni