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vdx-6740b - no console prompt!

vdx-6740b - no console prompt!

New Contributor II
hi guys,

I have a minicom linking to console port on vdx-6740b
and when I power up the switch I see boot process goes seemingly fine, but when that completes I do not get prompt, no response. A series of "Enter" strokes but switch remains silent.

Am I missing some bits of the magic there or it seems like an actual problem? If the latter then how can it be troubleshot?

many thanks, L.


Extreme Employee
Still worth verifying the settings I have seen the incorrect setting allow non-interactive to function OK.

Could allow you to see output but not recognise key strokes

New Contributor II
Like I said earlier: I see whole boot in minicom console - which as I understand it means: connection is good. Can it be not good?

Extreme Employee
Have you verified the configuration of the console session?

It should be 9600 bits per second, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.