05-08-2023 05:19 AM
Our support teams published 41 new articles last week! Check out the new titles below!
SA-2023-043 - Qualcomm and HiSilicon NPU ICMP Redirect attack (CVE-2022-25667)
SA-2023-044 - OpenSSL 64-bit Arm AES-XTS (CVE-2023-1255)
SA-2023-048 - FRRouting denial of service (CVE-2022-40302)
SA-2023-049 - FRRouting denial of service (CVE-2022-40318)
SA-2023-050 - FRRouting BGP out-of-bounds read (CVE-2022-43681)
Campus Fabric Articles
XA1400 : BFDoFE is down when XA has another NNI UP with lower ISIS metric
Cannot Reach OOB Port From Other Networks
Unable to disable auto-sense on a port
VOSS - BGP routes not redistributing correctly between vrf
Wake on LAN (WoL) for VOSS (Fabric Engine) switches worked only with ip directed-broadcast enabled
Data Center Articles
Does command "efa system settings update" has the option of ssh keys instead of password
CER|ce06200b | Both BGP and OSPF flap for an unknown reason.
IPv6 VRRPE Instance Not Pairing with Partner
EXOS Articles
Multicast distortion on 5420 and 5320 running SwitchEngine
X435 : Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
Can CPU usage of the SYSTEM be logged?
Legacy Articles
Controller historian process running high and may cause a controller reboot
How can I view and Export Station Events on my Extreme Cloud Controller?
Logging into XIQ-C with elevated privileges doesn't give you elevated rights.
Are Floorplans Saved in a Configuration Back-up File
SD-WAN Articles
Why do I receive an error message when trying to access the Ipanema online tools?
How to supervise my 9.4 reporting platform?
WiNG Articles
Canon Wireless Printer Seeing Multiple BSSID's
WiNG - APs can only be pinged locally but not remotely
WiNG - Can we view controller hardware failure logs in WING?
Configure sticky client in WING
XIQ Articles
Wireless Controller GUI will not load after certificate changes
XIQ | New Alerts Management is Blank
APs that had previously been stable are suddenly intermittently dropping connection to XIQ
Licenses are not visible in XIQ
Can ExtremeCloud IQ PSK password be less than 8 characters?
XIQ - How to import 3rd party cert for Captive Portal Page
How to understand default antenna for AP305CX in XIQ?
Access to ExtremeCloudIQ through company LDAP
Want to know why AP230 don't have the option to upgrade to iqengine 10.5r5.
Loss of wifi1 interface on the APs, after migration from older platform to Extreme Cloud IQ
When to perform country code change manually on APs?
If you have any requests for new articles, please let us know! You can either comment on this post, or email me directly at community@extremenetworks.com.