02-13-2023 05:28 AM
Our support teams published 58 new articles last week! Check out the new titles below!
SA-2023-012 - OpenSSL renegotiation ClientHello message (CVE-2021-3449)
SA-2023-021 - OpenSSL BN_mod_sqrt (CVE-2022-0778)
SA-2023-018 - BIND RRSIG queries (CVE-2022-3736)
SA-2023-019 - named dynamic DNS update flood (CVE-2022-3094)
SA-2023-022 - OpenSSL OCB mode encryption flaw (CVE-2022-2097)
SA-2023-023 - OpenSSL c_rehash script (CVE-2022-2068)
SA-2023-013 - Apache HTTP Server mod_proxy response splitting (CVE-2022-37436)
SA-2023-017 - BIND stale-answer-client-timeout (CVE-2022-3924)
SA-2023-020 - BIND ECS pseudo-options (CVE-2022-3488)
SA-2023-014 - Apache HTTP Server mod_dav (CVE-2006-20001)
SA-2023-016 - Sweet32 (CVE-2016-2183)
SA-2023-015 - Apache HTTP Server mod_proxy_ajp (CVE-2022-36760)
Campus Fabric Articles
Extreme Analytics can't get the response times for the particular sessions.
How To Login To ERS Switch From Console
5420/5520: High number of bogus MAC addresses received if CAT6 cable is used
ERS 3600: How to suppress the MSTP General Event Up/Down
How To Change Max Hops In DHCP-Relay Configuration
VSP7400 reachability issue of local GW IP
Libvirtd crashes on all VSP7400 upon upgrade from V8.3.1.0.GA to V8.
VSP4450GSX-PWR+ switch cored on process restweb_voss.pyz but did not reboot
Data Center Articles
SLX-8720 'ip anycast-address' & 'inter-vlan' ping not working
Does-VDX-support-Multi-factor-Authentication using Radius Server
20.3.2ae| BR-SLX9640 | Crash in BGP daemon on slx9640 in customer network.
EXOS Articles
In OSPF NSSA area OSPF passive interface is installed as a next-hop for OSPF external route.
In MLAG and MVRP Setup, VLAN is not correctly applying to uplink ports when required
In a stack of mixed X460 and X460-G2 switches, all stack slots spontaneously rebooted
How to enable DHCPv6 BOOTP relay on EXOS?
Question with log after update
How to monitor optical transceivers for alarms/warnings via SNMP
Legacy Articles
XIQC - Multicast failure when rate limit applied to the role.
How can I determine what firmware is supported by XMC/XIQ-SE
SD-WAN Articles
[BUG][SOC-2593] External Gateway not coming up because of an authentication failure
Where do I find more information about ExtremeCloud SD-WAN license?
Is it possible to reset the ifconfig counters without restarting the ip|engine?
Why do applications with low criticality impact users?
Universal Articles
Communication loss and failure to respond to commands when repeatedly reseating optics
10Gb port down after universal 10Gb default evaluation license expires
EXOS : MACSEC moves to blocking state on one of the uplink port to VSP cluster after stack reboot
WiNG Articles
Why aren't my adopted access points getting their configuration updates from the virtual controller?
Poor performance across AP460e mesh link
Moved newly installed AP310s and AP360s to new location and they will not adopt
Does the 10G Dual License expires together with the service contract?
Does WING support Multicast-to-Unicast conversion?
AP firmware update failure with Update error: System cmd mount failed
XIQ Articles
Unable to configure Deny in Mac Address Filtering in ExtremeCloud IQ
Clients credential cache expires in Captive web portal SSID
is Qos rate limit 2Gbps supported by APs AP305C/AP30SCX/AP630/AP130?
Why are we seeing abnormal behavior regarding Roaming Cache?
How to find the date of the last OS version update in XIQ
Why wasn't there a Radsec Proxy AP option for the subnet?
Cloud PPSK authentication not possible.
What is the meaning for xiq port-based policy error ?
XMC Articles