03-27-2023 06:58 AM
Our support teams published 50 new articles last week! Check out the new titles below!
SA-2023-032 - AMI-BMC User Enumeration (CVE-2022-2827)
SA-2023-031 - AMI-BMC Default Credentials (CVE-2022-40242)
SA-2023-030 - AMI-BMC Redfish Arbitrary Code (CVE-2022-40259)
Campus Fabric Articles
5520: IST-paired switch crashed after partner was upgraded and IST links re-enabled
ISIS Adjacency not forming between new switch and core site
Switch Not Reachable Via SNMPv2
VOSS – Loss of Routed Traffic After Site Power Outage or ISP Link Bounces
ERS: TFTP Backup to XMC not working. Backup is being sent via incorrect interface
Path to upgrading VOSS switches from older version to latest supported version.
VSP 7400 Rebooting At Same Time Daily
Data Center Articles
FABS-5025 and PLAT-5013 being logged continuously prior to outage
40 Gig interfaces not coming online after reboot.
Microsof Network Load Balancer not working in an EVPN Network with SLX switches as gateways
How to drop BPDU on an interface?
SLX 9850 crashed and went into a boot loop after creating monitor session
SLX9540 - After upgrade to 20.2.3j some ports do not pass traffic
IPv6 anycast addresses unreachable on VDX running 7.4.1
Unable to SSH via inband management port to SLX 9540 after upgrading to 20.4.2b
Incorrect EVPN Nextnop and BCM Errors causing traffic loss
Calico-kube-controller pods are restarting continuously.
Lincard 2 in 9850 crashed and came back up
Processor reloaded - Software Fault:Kernel Panic
EXOS Articles
Will there be any impact if I upgrade the EXOS software from 22.4.x to 22.7.4
"Could not install proto filter" errors seen in EMS log
Stale PIM cache entry when Anycast RP is configured
25G uplinks fail to come up after an upgrade to 31.7/32.x
VPEX controlling bridges periodically reboot due to memory depletion
Silent device not authenticating
Legacy Articles
What is the difference between Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6e?
SD-WAN Articles
Why is my configuration not updated on the ip|engine?
Universal Articles
BGP status monitoring using SNMP
Factory default state phones are not able to obtain IP addresses.
WiNG Articles
AP360i/e installation and mounting kit information
Why post upgrade to new firmware client count is wrong?
[XIQ][WiNG] WiNG -1 SKU APs adopted to WiNG controller are not displayed on XIQ device page
Why I'm not able to create new AP profile on wing 7 ?
iMAC and M2 Macbook pro keep disconnect&reconnecting to WPA2 preshared key ssid
What are the possible formats of SNs for WiNG APs?
How to Enable/Disable wpa-wpa2 key-rotation from Command Line Interface (CLI)
XIQ Articles
WiNG - Is it possible to integrate XIQ Guest Essentials with WiNG?
Changes to IP Firewall Rules are not being saved
[XIQ Alerts BETA] Device temperature alert displays incorrect current temperature.
Is there a method to Export and/or Backup AP Configurations via XIQ Pilot?
Where to find reauthorization time setting in XIQ
[XIQ] Unable to access data issue on VA2 RDC.
Where to find information about Co-Pilot licenses?
Does XIQ Companion mobile APP support WING APs?
If you have any requests for new articles, please let us know! You can either comment on this post, or email me directly at community@extremenetworks.com.