03-20-2023 08:31 AM
Our support teams published 39 new articles last week! Check out the new titles below!
Campus Fabric Articles
Can GRE Tunnel Be Configured on VSP?
VSP 8600: No Serial number available in Lifecycle Recovery Menu
ERS5900 stack reconfiguration is causing missing FA bindings on the AP connected port
Data Center Articles
Command to change ssh key via EFA
RAM high usage in warning state (12 free memory)
MPLS Deamon crash on the core router
Why Bfd state change snmp traps (std-mib) are missing after spine inter fabric ports shutdown?
Do we require a separate license to use 4 100g ports on SLX 9640-24S and SLX 9640-24SAC-F?
Why does the SLX 9540 keep unsaved changes after a reboot?
EXOS Articles
How to configure snmpv1 trap on EXOS?
Summit X590 rebooted due to process EPM crash.
SNMP access fails and "SNMP is currently disabled on VR <VR name>" messages are seen
Legacy Articles
License failure related to stale PILOT licenses
SD-WAN Articles
How to configure the interfaces of an ip|engine with the bypass mode enabled?
Universal Articles
What control protocols are passed over T-UNI?
5520 Fabric Engine configuring SNMPv3 RO user correctly
No old password prompt for all user access levels except RWA
WiNG Articles
Does the AP360e and AP460e Support Extended-Range Command via Command Line Interface (CLI)
New AP won't adopt to controller and shows up in Pending Adoptions
XIQ Articles
The message "Login Successful" is not seen on the captive web portal page on Android clients
WEB GUI in XIQ shows outdated information about connected devices
XIQ - Clients unable to connect to SSID
How to create classification rules to put different device types on specific VLANs
Can I add the same PPSK user groups to multiple SSIDs in ExtremeCloud IQ?
How to clear an XIQ deployment as a new install
XIQ what is the command to enable MU-MIMO via CLI
VIQ import fails due to error wireless interface setting cannot be accepted
How to exclude channel from Radio Profile
Do AP's provide GPS or time zone information to the connected Wi-Fi clients?
XIQ Pilot - How to increase power on AP at Device level
ExtremeCloud IQ- What should I collect before I open a case with GTAC?
XMC Articles
nac: Missing fingerprint AP460 for nac end system device types
nac: Logging into Captive Portal sends an email with the 'from' address of networkadmin@myco.com
Does Extreme Control send out certificates in a RADIUS Challenge based on End System OS
Control: Ajax Error sorting NAC Threads in WebView
xiqse: Incorrect AAA configuration enforced to switch when two radius servers defined
If you have any requests for new articles, please let us know! You can either comment on this post, or email us directly at community@extremenetworks.com.