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New Documentation Published October 29th-November 4th!

New Documentation Published October 29th-November 4th!

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

Our support teams published 34 new articles last week! Check out the new titles below!



Renewed license does not work 

Campus Fabric Articles

VSP7432: IPv6 default route is getting redistributed into ISIS but not going into routing ... 

VOSS: quick-config-mgmt script can be inadverdently invoked at the enable prompt. 

ERS Chassis Upgrade/Replacement Process - Software 

ERS Chassis Upgrade/Replacement Process - Hardware 

VOSS 7254 8.5.1: VSP stops learning mac/arp after SWUNI AVP TBL count reaches 85% (12186) of maximum... 

VOSS: GlobalRouter IP WARNING rcIpVrrpIn: Address list error detected for Vrid <ID> on IfIndex <#>


Data Center Articles

HTTP server is not accepting connections 

How to import a public SSH key on SLX9140 

SLX 8520-48XT not forwarding DHCP-requests 

EFA commands are failing and PODs are in Error states 

SLX switches restart when app-telemetry related commands are run 

How to perform VLAN translation on SLX9540 

Is SNMP write view supported on SLX9150 

SLX switch stuck in maintenance mode after reload due to password expiration 

SLX9540 Doesn't Boot


EXOS Articles

IPARP does not refresh after MAC move 

Is it possible to simultaneously upgrade the firmware on both the active and inactive partitions? 

Legacy Articles

How to generate Airgap License for XIQ-C?


SD-WAN Articles

How to connect to the Virtual routers of your router mode interfaces? 

SD-WAN Hub appliance reboots after configuring several spoke sites 

Universal Articles

License Generation Failed - There was a problem generating your license. Please try again later.Ther... 

How many SW releases can be stored in 5420 and 5320 universal switches? 

VOSS (FE) MLT dot1q config missing after reboot 

WiNG Articles

What parameters can be prestaged during WiNG AP adoption? 

If lose the admin password of a WiNG controller/AP can I recover or convert the encrypted password f... 

XIQ Articles
Can I automatically authenticate to an XIQ SSID using my local machine M365 Windows credentials? 

CFD-8553 APs Report Degraded PoE on AT Power 

XIQ | Configure USB dongle SES Imagotag on an AP305c 

Can Cloud-IQ Firewall Rules Be Applied To ERS Switches 

Unable to create a LAG between two VIM-4X interfaces from 2 switch in a stack 

Clients with 802.11a/b/g/n specifications get disconnected randomly from AP305CXs 

XIQ | Error: Change OS action can be performed only on Universal AP 

What is the CLI command to enable 802.11k, 802.11v, 802.11r in XIQ AP ? 


If you have any requests for new articles, please let us know! You can either comment on this post, or email me directly at