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can't get into bootrom

can't get into bootrom

New Contributor
I have a few used x450-48t switches that I cannot get to recognize the spacebar to get into the bootrom. I have tried from both my mac and a linux box using known good cables. for the bootloader and 12.0.3b16 for the OS.

Any thoughts on how to proceed?

Extreme Employee
On Mac by default the key repeat time is not enough sometimes to get in bootrom mode. Normally I use a coffeecup and put it on the spacebar while I go to the switch and power it off and on.
But on Mac you need to set the key repeat mode on the fastest setting to make this work.

You can set the mac keyboard repeat to be as quick as windows with a shell command:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 0 (which is quicker than you can set it in keyboard settings). You need to logout and login again before this is active.

That's great info OscarK. I hand't thought of that angle yet, Thanks!

Extreme Employee
If it is a plastic coffee cup it needs to be full to be able to press the spacebar 

Valued Contributor III
Is the coffee cup empty or full, Oscar? 🙂