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Invalid IP configured in Enterasys VH-2402S

Invalid IP configured in Enterasys VH-2402S

New Contributor
I have acquired an Enterasys VH-2402S switch. I am unable to communicate with it using console management port via puTTy (black screen/no response) or any other method. I had no idea of the IP configured in this switch. After some thought, since I acquired this switch from a network guy, who also did not know the IP, suggested I try a range of IPs in the 172.22.xx.xx range since it came from his company. Using AdvanceIP Scanner I was able to determine the configured IP address of the switch is 172.22.xx.255. Wow. This is an invalid IP I'm sure, and is preventing me access to it via CLI / ethernet cable. How do I gain access to this switch? I asked that network guy and just got a shrug and statement that I probably can't. It's almost like he knew it and wasn't bothering with it... Anyway, any ideas on how I can get access to this switch to change the IP to make the switch useful? Thnks!

Sorry, when I said I should have said , you can use the IP_address or name of the device (if it's in DNS/resolved by name).

nmap can scan an entire network. The syntax for you would be nmap -p 22,23 Note, it will not scan the broadcast address of the network. That's why I suggested setting your network address to say Don't worry about a gateway. Run nmap -p 22,23,80 and wait. you will scan for sshd, telnetd, and httpd from - IIRC; it's at least beyond which is what you want. You want to be a host address on the network.


New Contributor
Understood. I was given the cable by the company that had the switch. It is a blue flat ribbon-like cable with writing: AWM Style / 20251 / E129757 / 60degree C / 150v / 26AWG / Lorom / CSA. They have sort of like ethernet ends (RJ45?). But these ends clip into COM port adapters. I have only one COM port on the PC (COM1). One end to that. The other end into the console management port in back of the switch. PuTTy settings I used were: serial / COM1 / 9600 / 8 data bits / 1 stop bit and XON/XOFF for flow control. I have also tried different baud rates and changed flow control to none as well. I am somewhat familiar with puTTy and know telnet pretty well. I have also configured ethernet adapter in an attempt to access the switch via browser using ethernet cable. But of course, this simply returns invalid_address_IP, even if I fool with the mask numbers. I even tried an SSH session a couple of times since I know what the IP is now in the switch but that doesn't work either. I have configured a network switch in the past so am some familiar with a serial session. But I think somehow this configured invalid IP is not allowing me to get into the switch. I really would like to use this switch if I can overcome this barrier. Thanks for checking this post! /dale

Valued Contributor II
Hello Dale,

what is the console cable you are using, is it a crossover? What are the serial connection settings?
Asking just to make sure this is set up correctly and the console interface is still healthy.
