EXOS is Now Available!
EXOS is now available on the Extreme Portal! You can view the release notes here: https://documentation.extremenetworks.com/release_notes/ExtremeXOS/16.2.5-Patch1-30/ Thefiles can b...
EXOS is now available on the Extreme Portal! You can view the release notes here: https://documentation.extremenetworks.com/release_notes/ExtremeXOS/16.2.5-Patch1-30/ Thefiles can b...
ExtremeXOS has been released!Release notes can be found here: https://documentation.extremenetworks.com/release_notes/ExtremeXOS/22.7.3-Patch1-4/ Files can be found on the Portal und...
Summary:A change was made to the PoE controller which requires a minimum software version of EXOS 30.4. This affects newer revisions of the X450-G2 and X460-G2 models that have an updated PoE Controll...